
Showing posts from 2018

All i know about yellow yellow teeth

Hello peeps :) Today we will talk about teeth. Like skin, teeth also play an important role in whole body language. It's easy to get teeth yellow because it's doing one-man show when it comes to intake of food. We just have these 32 teeth and we are using it for all eating services. We have to provide service to our teeth too at least once in a while. Of course, there are many ways to make it happen. Just a visit to the dental clinic and we are sort out. The clinic may provide all services but we have to take care on daily basis to avoid frequent visits to save our pockets. I know most of us don't have (including me) dental coverage in your insurance. Lucky if you have. Whatever remedies I am going to mention may not be a new thing to you. But its 100% tested on my teeth and I saw the difference.                                                                            I have seen many of my friends using baking soda/baking powder directly on your teeth. Guys, it&#

Bye Bye chicken pox marks..Never missed you@ never invited you@never come again

Hello, dears... It's being too long that I didn't share any new DIY with you all.So finally I can share with you today.                                                     As we grow, we all go through many issues whether it's personally/ healthwise.When it comes to health we will do every possible way we can overcome that state.But if some diseases fight with us so badly that it will leave marks, 😖😖so that it will remind us every time we see it.It was a usual day, starting in the morning, cooking food and doing my household works.But in between washing my face, I saw a pimple near my mouth.I thought ok, it will be that time of the month and ignored. Later I noticed a big pimple near my jawline.It was not like normal pimples it was filled with water.Then I searched on google and I was shocked to see that its initial symptoms of chicken pox.Finally went to the doctor and it was confirmed.As we have to go through everything that comes our way.I took in that spirit.I